#21: Blue and Green Balayage
This gradient of blue and green creates a harmonious, ocean-inspired look that feels youthful and fresh. This look is versatile, working beautifully across most face shapes while creating dynamic movement in layered or wavy hairstyles.
#22: Mint Green
Fresh, playful, and light, mint green hair adds a pop of personality without being overwhelming. It’s most flattering on individuals with cooler-toned complexions and pairs well with minimal makeup for a gentle, radiant aesthetic.
#23: Emerald Green
Sophisticated yet captivating, emerald green is the epitome of elegance. This jewel-toned shade suits dark hair bases and adds shine and depth to those with medium or dark tans. Cascading curls or smooth blowouts make this color sparkle even more.
#24: Metallic Green
Metallic green elevates your look with its futuristic, reflective properties. Ideal for fashion-forward individuals, this shade shines brighter on textured or layered cuts that amplify its radiant allure.
Hair Care Tips for Green Hair
Maintaining green hair involves care and attention to keep it vibrant and fresh. Use color-safe shampoos and conditioners and minimize exposure to heat and sun to avoid fading. For eco-friendly beauty lovers, look for sustainable hair care brands that align with your values.