HomeHAIR COLORBLONDE51 Stunning Shades of Icy Platinum Blonde Hair

51 Stunning Shades of Icy Platinum Blonde Hair

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11. Ash and Platinum Blonde Waves

The style is cut as chic as it can be, and yet, it still has the most depth thanks to a range of cool blonde hues. Ash brown roots appear natural, and the mix of platinum and ash blonde streaks is best achieved by a professional stylist.

Platinum Blonde Hair Color Shades: Platinum Hair Ideas

12. Yellow-Tinged Platinum Hair

If everyone is obsessed with the cool platinum hair, yet you’re a fan of that bright yellow hair color, don’t be down! There’s no reason to be discouraged as this stunning version of platinum hair demonstrates. There’s a lot of warmth, but the hair strands that frame this face have neutral. the roots are darker and natural.

Platinum Blonde Hair Color Shades: Platinum Hair Ideas

13. Half-Up Platinum Waves

Nothing screams an era of 80s like that thick, blue scrunchie that is holding the platinum hair in half ponytail! These platinum waves are incredibly contemporary and beautifully blended in a sparkling, solid shade. We appreciate how shiny and healthy the hair appears, and it is only enhanced by the playful, fluffy waves.

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Platinum Blonde Hair Color Shades: Platinum Hair Ideas

14. Platinum Blonde Balayage Touch

The primary color of this look is dark ash blonde, the platinum blonde hair dye can make an enormous impact, but without taking too much pressure on hair. It is easy to get this look by making sure that the white blonde hair is kept just where it frames your face and along the ends.

Platinum Blonde Hair Color Shades: Platinum Hair Ideas

15. Bombshell Platinum Lob

The contrast between the neutral copper blonde locks and cool tones isn’t the most striking but it is just enough heft to give an extremely glamorous look. It’s not often that we consider long hair bobs as a bombshell hair however, when dyed with this stunning shade, and then styled into large waves, it definitely takes the seductive look.

Platinum Blonde Hair Color Shades: Platinum Hair Ideas

16. Sunlight Platinum Blonde

If you’re looking for an elegant platinum blonde hair shade that shines and sparkles then take a look at this! Platinum is the most prominent shade, so it’s going to require some effort. However, just a few streaks of blonde can create this contrast that is reminiscent of the sun’s light.

Platinum Blonde Hair Color Shades: Platinum Hair Ideas

17. Platinum and Ash Color melt

There’s a lot to appreciate about this gorgeous platinum blonde style! The silvery underneath tones of the platinum ends are truly striking due to their pristine pureness, but that’s not all there is to it. This is a truly amazing color melt that has incredibly subtle transitions from deep roots, to ash mids to the stunning ends.

Platinum Blonde Hair Color Shades: Platinum Hair Ideas

18. Ash and Platinum Money Piece

Did you know that those framing strands that face each other in the balayage were referred to as “money piece? When the front portion is dyed from the roots to the ends this is an example of an actual money piece that completely alters the appearance of the Balayage. In this case we’re talking about platinum coins, evidently and with ash being the dominant color in all other places.

Platinum Blonde Hair Color Shades: Platinum Hair Ideas

19. Platinum Pixie

If you’re sporting an edgy haircut and have been pondering how to make it appear feminine, then we would highly suggest a platinum hair shade! This photo shows how platinum adds a feminine appearance to hair with a short length which makes it appear more feminine. We recommend that you keep the roots dark to give an added volume.

Platinum Blonde Hair Color Shades: Platinum Hair Ideas

20. Razored Platinum Blonde Bob

It’s somewhere in between a normal or a long bob this cut is the perfect base for the soft platinum hair. Platinum hair, particularly when dyed in a solid way, may appear flat. Therefore, opting for hair with a lot of texture and lots of cutting is a fantastic method of adding variety and depth.

Platinum Blonde Hair Color Shades: Platinum Hair Ideas

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