HomeHAIR COLORBALAYAGE51 Balayage Hair Color Ideas & Tips for Achieving Balayage Highlights

51 Balayage Hair Color Ideas & Tips for Achieving Balayage Highlights

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31. Soft Smokey Balayage

This is a gentler version of the earlier hairstyle, sporting the same cool balayage hair color. However, here this dye is applied on smaller hair strands, which led to a more pronounced highlight and a striking contrast.

Balayage Hair Trend: Balayage Hair Colors & Balayage Highlights: Smokey Balayage

32. Sandy Beach Balayage

This balayage style mixes golden brown with sandy blonde for a luminous and natural style that makes us think of the summer we spent on vacation.

Balayage Hair Trend: Balayage Hair Colors & Balayage Highlights: Sandy Balayage

33. Port and Coffee Balayage

This is a simple balayage that you may be able to do at home, but the result is stunning because of this shade of port-red blended with the natural dark hair of coffee.

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Balayage Hair Trend: Balayage Hair Colors & Balayage Highlights: Coffee Balayage

34. Silver and Blonde Balayage

If you are someone who likes living in the middle it is possible to mix warm and cool shades of balayage shades. In this style the cool silver contrasting against a light, yet warm blonde, creating an intriguing look.

Balayage Hair Trend: Balayage Hair Colors & Balayage Highlights: Silver and Blonde Balayage

35. Feathery Blonde Balayage Curls

Feathery curls and a vibrant blonde balayage paired with dark roots are an elegant choice that is a great match for this haircut that is layered.

Balayage Hair Trend: Balayage Hair Colors & Balayage Highlights: Blonde Balayage Curls

36. Melted Gold Forward-Facing Balayage

Apart from the stunning color of the melted gold that is used to create the highlights of balayage, another aspect that stands out in this hairstyling technique is that the majority part of it is located close to the face, and all over the body, the normal brown shade of hair prevails. It completely brightens the face without the need for excessive dye.

Balayage Hair Trend: Balayage Hair Colors & Balayage Highlights: Melted Gold Balayage

37. Brightening Touch Balayage

Golden balayage highlights are around the eye in this stunning hairstyle, which means that the overall appearance is definitely brunette but it’s a vibrant and healthy look.

Balayage Hair Trend: Balayage Hair Colors & Balayage Highlights: Brightening Balayage

38. Lush Gold Color-Melt Balayage

Different shades of blonde and gold on these beautiful balayage highlights produce an intense metallic effect as the darker shades provide a striking contrast.

Balayage Hair Trend: Balayage Hair Colors & Balayage Highlights: Gold Color-Melt Balayage

39. Metallic Brunette Balayage

A light brown hue and a subtle hint of blonde swathe through brunette hair strands making one of those balayage styles which no longer appear like hair, but seem more like molten iron.

Balayage Hair Trend: Balayage Hair Colors & Balayage Highlights: Metallic Brunette Balayage

40. Gradual Ombre Balayage

This is a variation of balayage colors that require seamless blending to make a seamless transition from dark brown roots, to lighter brown tones in the middle and gleaming golden ends.

Balayage Hair Trend: Balayage Hair Colors & Balayage Highlights: Gradual Ombre Balayage

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