HomeHAIR COLORBALAYAGE36 Inspiring Brown Balayage Hair Colors for Your Next Stunning Look

36 Inspiring Brown Balayage Hair Colors for Your Next Stunning Look

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A brown balayage occurs where highlights are added to brunette hair by using the French hand-painting technique. The most effective balayage highlights for brunette hair are made up of a variety of warm shades of blonde and light brown to give a rich and natural-looking color. The dark brown balayage hair shade is more costly than traditional foil highlights since it takes longer to apply highlights. But, you don’t need to make frequent color changes because this method of coloring can blend highlights and natural hair. That means that as your hair gets older and the natural color becomes as distinct. When you’re planning your next color appointment, you can be inspired by these pictures of the most beautiful brown balayage hair shades!

Chocolate Rose Brunette Balayage

#1: Chocolate Rose Brunette

Chocolate rose brunette a luscious warm and warm color. If you’ve got warm hazel, brown or green eyes, this hair shade will draw attention to your eyes. If you’re able to manage the upkeep of the rose-colored, red tone, this is a good color to consider. Be sure to inquire with your stylist for the required maintenance is to suit your hair’s specific type and lifestyle.

Long Mushroom Brown Balayage Hair with Waves

#2: Hair Long Mushroom brown hair with waves

Long brown, long mushroom hair that is wavy is the ideal style for those who have a more warm skin tone. The mix of ashy blonde and brown is stunning when paired by a darker brown shade between. The specific shade is able to be altered into different shades that create subtle but visible contrast in your hair.

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Soft Brunette Balayage on Long Hair

#3: Soft Brunette Balayage on Long Hair

Think about doing a soft brunette balayage with long hair, if you’re looking for some definition, but not much maintenance. I suggest applying a balayage only a couple hues lighter or lighter that your normal hair color. This way your hair will stay healthier and will have shine. If you are too light, your ends will appear dull, dry and lifeless. The quality of hair’s condition is crucial if you wish to keep your hair long.

Champagne Beige Brown Balayage

#4: Champagne Beige Brown

A balayage is the perfect choice to get an attractive hair color that is easy to maintain and gorgeously blended. The base color is a great match with champagne brown. Everyone will be enthralled by the seamless and gradation!

Curly Chocolate Brown Balayage

#5: Curly Chocolate Balayage

Think about a curly chocolate balayage you’re looking to add some spice to your style! A few pops of color woven to your curly hair are sure to leave people enthralled. Make sure you finish your hair with a curl cream, and let it defuse your hair for a show of the new look you have created.

Golden Blonde-Brown Balayage

#6: Golden Blonde-Brown Balayage

Balyage that is golden brown-golden blonde is a gorgeous natural-looking, warm color that you’ll enjoy. The hair color will look gorgeous on women with a warm complexion. By keeping the base dark, it will make it easier to hair growth!

brown balayage with face-framing layers

7: Brown Balayage with Face-Framing Layers

A brown balayage with facial framing layers makes it easy to maintain with focus and brightness focusing on the face. Balayage is an excellent option to get the color you want without much maintenance. The brown balayage technique with the face-framing layer can create a stunningly natural look. It is possible to cut layers in order to work with any facial shape, and the balayage style is extremely versatile for all lengthsand face forms, and can be modified to fit virtually any type of client.

Red Brown Balayage

#8: Red Brown Balayage

Wear a red-brown balayage color with curls to get the “awesome chic girl” style! This color of hair is among the easiest ways to rock chic locks. It is less prone to maintenance when in comparison to a more solid red shade. While it might provide an unsettling look however, it looks elegant on wavy, long hair.

Chocolate brown balayage

#9: Chocolate Brown Balayage

The chocolate-brown balayage can be an easy, low-maintenance color for women who want to be able to see subtle variations in their dark hair. It can also give an illusion of having shape to the overall look.

Brown with platinum blonde highlights

#10: Brown with Platinum Blonde Highlights

Brown hair that has platinum blonde highlights is a stunning method to lighten dark hair. Keep a natural look while adding highlights from a money piece towards the face can create an easy-care look that requires only a touch-up each 10-12 weeks.

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