HomeHAIR COLORBROWN20 Natural-Looking Brunette Balayage Ideas

20 Natural-Looking Brunette Balayage Ideas

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You might have thought brown hair was boring or dull. The balayage method dyes hair without foil. This gives brunettes a natural, more elegant look that is true to their major hair goals. It’s never been easier to mix colors. Check out these brunette-balayage styles, and make an appointment with your colorist.

#1: Subtle Ashy brown

Ash Brown And Brunette Balayage

This ashy brunette to blonde balanceage looks more natural and unprocessed. For those who want to make small steps in their hair color transformations, a neutral color is ideal.

#2: Light Brown Balayage

Dark Blonde Balayage For Brown Hair

You don’t need to make a big color change in order to update your style. Keep it simple and stick to brown colors. Give neutral ashy highlights another chance. Professionals who want to look young and polished will love this combination.

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#3: Brown to Caramel Balayage

Soft Bronde Balayage Hair

A soft brown to caramel shade is the best choice for classic balayage hair colors. This combination is natural and will continue to look great as your hair grows. For the best results with your new color, curl your hair in long, beach waves using a straightener. This will make the lighter parts of your hair appear more vibrant.

#4: Honey Brown Highlights

Golden Blonde Highlights

You can also weave a honey-brown shade through your hair if you don’t like the ombre look. Brunette balayage highlights instantly lighten dark brown hair and add dimension.

#5: Multi-Dimensional lob

Brown Lob With Blonde Balayage

Balayage can be fun if you include more than two colors. To soften the transition from dark brown to light blonde, you can add shades of brown or golden to your balayage. An lob with many layers will show off all the shades you’re playing with.

#6: Long Waves With Light Highlights

Dark Golden Blonde Highlights Balayage

This style is another well-blended choice. It incorporates hints golden blonde throughout. As you move by, the contrast between dark and light shades will catch your attention.

#7: Bright Reddish Blonde Highlights

Tri-Color Balayage Hair

Reddish highlights and blonde will brighten any duller hair. To brighten your dull locks, choose your favorite copper and golden shades. For showing off your new colors, subtle waves are the best way to show them off.

#8: Matte Bronde Balayage

Ash Bronde Balayage Hair

This matte, ashy look is for those ladies who don’t want to be high-shine. Balayage brunette to brunette is the most popular solution. However, you can upgrade the classic look by opting for more subtle, ashy colors instead.

#9: Ash Blonde To Gray Fade

Dark Brown Hair With Ash Blonde Ombre

Instagram is full of images showing gray hair, and this balayage style can help you get in on the trend. The gray color at the ends makes hair easy to grow and looks great when worn loosely.

#10: Light Brunette Balayage

Rose Gold Balayage For Brunettes

You don’t have to make a drastic color change. Add milk chocolate highlights to your ends and face-framing items to lighten dark brown hair. Style your hair loosely and femininely for those with long hair.

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